The book is about looking no further than oneself, for those things in life that one seeks. It is about stretching ones awareness, attitude, and abilities on the path to living a full life, defined by oneself. (over 100 sub chapters dealing with ingredients that make up a life)
Each chapter finishes with questions, and many books / songs are quoted, inviting the reader to explore them in order to support the thought created. The language is direct, but not threatening, inviting them to step up.
Those who seek to broaden their understanding of self, and who search the shelves of the self-help section as well as the business sections of a book store looking for a pearl of wisdom they can apply. People of all ages who wonder if “this is all there is”.
Direction, perhaps a clue as to what they might do, comradeship on their journey through what might be a lonely life, or one with not enough meaning.
To know that they are enough, that comparing self to others is insanity as everyone is so different in all ways. To have faith in one’s self and to augment that faith with effort. (work)
The title and cover art is compelling, a quick browse through the index will reveal some telling chapter titles, the introduction is inviting, as will the endorsements from a variety of people.
Provide them a reality check in that they will understand that the excuses they have used, the distractions that chewed up valuable years of their lives, need not continue, unless of course mediocrity is what they seek.
The book and associated “free” tools on my web site will provide direction, sort of like a cook book where the recipe is there, but the ingredients have to sourced, and trial and error will be at play.